Ulpan.com's daily dose of Hebrew Headline Animator


Parasha Va'eira with Rabbi Nathan of Breslov

"And G-d/Elokim spoke to Moshe and said to him, I'm the Lord/Avaya."  (Shemot 6:2)

Background: At the end of his first meeting with Moshe, not only Pharaoh doesn't let the children of Israel go, but he makes heavier their work, thus causing discontent of the people. This discontent is orchestrated and amplified by two sinister characters who will never cease to challenge Moshe: Dathan and Aviram. They make Moshe so upset that the leader of the Bnei Israel goes towards G-d and asked Him in turn why the situation was much worse. The answer lies in the few words of our verse:

"And G-d/Elokim spoke to Moshe and said to him, I am the Lord/Avaya.''

Rebbe Nachman teaches in the Likutey Moharan (IV): "When a man knows that whatever happens to him is for his good, he is at a level where it tastes the World to Come, as it is written: "In Avaya, whose word I praise; in Elokim, whose word I praise." (Tehil. 56:11). This is a foretaste of the World to Come.''

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