Ulpan.com's daily dose of Hebrew Headline Animator


have a blessed night

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people."

The importance of peace is not only logically compelling, but can also be found throughout Jewish literature. Shalom, the Hebrew term for peace, is ubiquitous in Jewish life. Every major prayer ends with it. Every decent person yearns for it. Among other things, shalom is used:
- to conclude the Oral Law
- in the final blessing of Shemoneh Esrei
- to end Birkat Kohanim
- to end Birkat Hamazon
- as the essential word in our greetings to one another (e.g. "Shalom Aleichem")
- as the last description for the different times of the season
Our tradition has it that every nation on earth is designated with a guardian angel , except for Israel. G.d Himself is the guardian of the Jewish people.
So what are we, as Jews, to focus on instead? Aim to please an audience of One. And nothing pleases G.d more than seeing His children at peace with one another.

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