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When Adar Comes - Joyfullness Reigns!!
                                            MiShenichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha!!
                                         When Adar Comes, Joy Is Increased!!

The month of Adar is the last month of the year counting from Nisan and is referred to in Tanach (abbreviation for Torah, Prophets and Writings) this way.
Adar is the happiest, most joyous month of the Hebrew calendar. In fact, its motto is "When Adar comes, joy is increased."
The abundance of joy in Adar is primarily due to the presence within the month of Purim. That holiday commemorates the salvation of the Jewish People from a genocidal plot by the wicked Haman, whereby he hoped to destroy the Jewish People, G-d Forbid, completely. Because of our fasting and repentance, we were able to have that heavenly decree, if not the earthly one, torn up (a decree of Achashverosh could, of course, never be rescinded).
Haman achieved the result, thank G-d, of having his plot overturned ("venahapoch hu," "it was overturned" - a theme of Purim) upon himself. Our last picture of him and his ten sons are of them dangling from the very gallows which he had prepared for Mordechai, a leader of the Jews.
The Sages have said: 'Just as joy is reduced from the start of Av, likewise, is joy increased at the start of Adar.'
Rav Papa said: 'Therefore, a Jew engaged in litigation with a non-Jew, should avoid him during Av, which is a time of ill omen for him; and should make himself available during Adar, which is a fortunate time for him' (Ta'anit 29). For, 'Heaven revolves merit towards a day of merit,' And joy towards a day of joy. And Adar is the most joyous of all months, so much so that no evil anti-Semitic eye can affect its blessing.
When Haman wanted to discover through astrology which month would be the most 'vulnerable for Israel', he cast lots to choose the month and day. The lot fell upon the month of Adar. When Haman's plot was foiled, Adar was transformed for the Jews from a month of grief and mourning to one of rejoicing and festivity; their happiness was all the greater. And the month of Adar became the very symbol of joy to them.

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