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Shabbath Shalom

G-d spoke to Moshè, telling him to speak to Aaron and his sons saying: This is how you must bless the Israelites…"

This is the blessing with which the priests bless their brother Jews. This has always been a special blessing, because it includes all blessings. There is however a big difference in the saying of this blessing between the time of the Temple and the time of exile. When the Temple existed, the priests would pronounce
G-d's Name as it appears in the wording of the blessing - the Name's most holy form. Through this was expressed the high level of G-dly revelation that existed at that time.
In the time of exile we are forbidden to pronounce the "explicit Name" and in the priestly blessing G-d's Name is said in the "regular" way.
At the time of the redemption, the priests will again bless the Jewish people with
G-d's explicit Name. Not only will the blessing regain its previous level, it will be even more elevated than at the time of the First and Second Temple, since with the redemption the whole world will be filled with G-dly revelation.
(Pninei HaGeulah)

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