Ulpan.com's daily dose of Hebrew Headline Animator


B'H" Fogel family memorial day at Itamar

1 comment:

  1. Sixty years ago, Arab leaders created in their minds a plan of enormous evil: to exterminate the Jews living in the Land of Israel. The Arab nations initiated six wars against Israel, and the PLO charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.
    Yet as all faithful representatives of evil must do, Arab leaders learned skillfully to package this program of destruction in a garb of morality and justice.
    If gunning down eight yeshiva students or blowing up a bus in Tel Aviv were presented as an attempt to kill as many Jewish men, women and children as possible , as it is indeed designated to do, it would not sell well with the world.
    But when it is exhibited as "an expression of deep frustration coming from an oppressed people," the act of sheer and horrific evil assumes a sophisticated veneer.
    The sad thing in all of this is that many Jews, in their absurd craving for peace, passionately embrace the masked story of the Arab leaders. By Israel deceiving itself that evil is not evil and hate is not hate, it empowers the evil and gives it additional momentum, causing the deaths of innumerable Jews. Making peace with evil could never work, for the evil only comes back to haunt and destroy you.
    If Israel would once and for all acknowledge the evil that exists in its midst and treat it as such, thousands of lives would be saved.
    (Yoni L.)
    Yehuda Gatti: Todà Yoni!!!
