Ulpan.com's daily dose of Hebrew Headline Animator


Shabbath Shalom

When two people join together in a pure and faithful love only to do good for the other, not concerned with their own needs but only focusing on the needs of the other, they are able to draw down on themselves a similar effluence from on high. G-d, in a certain sense, turns from all of His other concerns and focuses on doing good for them. But, when one of them thinks about him- or herself, even if truly fond of the other, the Almighty does not pay attention to them in that kind of special way. Therefore, the Alsheich teaches that when a person enters some kind of difficulty, there is a great advantage if he connects with someone else, or even a few people, in a loving and selfless way, pushing for their good. In this way, this person will also succeed and overcome his or her own problems.
This is what happened in the Torah portion. Yosef knew this secret. When he found himself in the dire straits of an Egyptian prison he looked for a "soul mate" who would push for his benefit. In that environment of lowly people, he chose the best that was available: a king's minister whose pride was broken under the threat of death. Yosef started by helping him and interpreting his dream for his good, and he expected a similar behavior in return. This is why he asked him to please remember him to Pharaoh. But the steward did not remember Yosef because he was only concerned with himself. And this is what the verse means. (40:23): "And the wine steward did not remember Yosef, and he forgot him." Why repeat the idea of forgetting? Because the second forgetting is referring to Yosef's. When the steward forgot Yosef, Yosef also forgot the steward, since there was no longer any benefit to be drawn down for both of them by seeking his welfare.
This power of drawing down a higher good through selfless acts on behalf of the other is what the Jews experienced during Chanukah. The few cared for the many and fought on their behalf. And because of this unity, they merited to draw down the highest miracles. May G-d Almighty help us remember the secret.


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