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end of Pesach 5772

We’ve just completed the festival of Pesach for the year 5772. It is the festival of our freedom from Egypt which we commemorate every year. I pray that this year of 5772, we witness the ultimate freedom. The end to our overdue exile. This year there should be no fasting on Tisha B’Av. In preparation for moshiach, I’d like to announce the following steps that I believe Israel should take to secure our borders and exercise our right to live freely as Jews in our own homeland.
  1. Scrap the Oslo Accords.
  2. Evict the PA.
  3. Annex Judea and Samaria.
  4. Take over administration of the Temple Mount.
  5. Never EVER compromise on Jerusalem.
  6. Close down all refugee ‘camps’ run by UNRWA.
  7. Elect a Prime Minister who is knowledgable in our legal rights to all of Israel as well as Judaism and Zionism in general.
  8. Prosecute all current and past government leaders who have tried to undermine our sovereignty over the land.
  9. Refrain from using terms that foster non-existent Arab ‘rights’ to Israel (such as “West Bank”, “occupied territory”, “Palestinian land”, etc).
  10. Update the Law of Return specifically allowing and advocating for settlement anywhere in the Jewish National Home.
  11. Remind the Principle Allied Powers of their obligation to uphold their commitments to assist Israel in accordance with their prior agreements.
  12. Officially define the State of Israel as the State of the Jewish People.
  13. Create an official publication of the legal rights of the State of Israel to all areas of the historical and geographical areas that were illegally excluded from the mandate or removed due to acts of partition.
If these steps are taken, we will overcome countless lies and fantasies and finally restore Eretz Yisrael to Am Yisrael. Moshiach is almost here. Let’s make sure 5772 doesn’t pass without the ultimate redemption.

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